Display a red bar that is "sticky" (always displayed) at the bottom of the browser window on a computer or just below the header/featured content image of each page on mobile.
This feature works on the following page types:
- Redirect
Display a red bar that is "sticky" (always displayed) at the bottom of the browser window on a computer or just below the header/featured content image of each page on mobile.
This feature works on the following page types:
If you want the alert bar to be displayed on all pages throughout your website, create a redirect page and add the following tag to the page:
If you want an alert bar to be displayed on one or specific pages on your website, create a redirect page and on the page(s) you'd like the alert block to display, add the following tag:
alert: replace_with_page_slug
In the "Name" field type the text that you would like to display on the bar
By default the button text is "Read More". To change this add the following tag to the page:
button: text-goes-here
button: Click Here
In the "URL to redirect to" field, enter the URL of the page you would like to feature.
On pages that you do not want the alert bar to show up on (ie. the page it is linked to) add the following tag to the page:
Add one of the following tags to the page to change the background: