Co-Branded Pages

This feature works on the following page types:

  • Donation
  • Event
  • Petition

Add a second logo beside yours in the top navigation menu to co-brand a page with a partner organization.


Add these tags to the page you'd like to co-brand:

cobrand file: [replace this with the file name]

Upload the logo file under "Files" and then copy and paste the file name as it appears; don't past the full url.


To ensure your website meets accessibility standards, add this tag to add the text name of the co-brand logo. For example, if you uploaded our logo, you would use the following tag: cobrand name: Progressive Nation

cobrand name: [replace this with text]


If you'd like to link to a URL in a new window add the following tag, otherwise the logo will remain unlinked:

cobrand url: [replace this with the url]