Image Blocks

Base Tag

Add the following tag to the page:



Creating a staff or board member page?

Use this tag to add contact buttons for each person:

item style: profile


Then for each person, add any of these tags to their page:

email: their-email-goes-here


Image Aspect Ratio

Use this page tag to override the image aspect ratio on image blocks:

image aspect:

possible values include: 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 21-9, 16-9, 16-10, 4-3, 3-2, 7-3, 5-4, 4-5


image aspect: 1-1

image aspect 3-2

Use the following tags:


Use the following tags:

layout_image_blocks, item style: hover

Use the following tags:

layout_image_blocks, item style: reversed

Use the following tags:


Use the following tags:

layout_image_blocks_horizontal, item style: combined

Use the following tags:


Use the following tags:

layout_image_cards, item style: hover

Use the following tags:


Use the following tags:

layout_image_panels, item style: hover

Use the following tags:

layout_image_panels, item style: reversed

Use the following tags:

layout_image_panels, item style: alternate

Use the following tags:

layout_image_panels, theme: striped