Action Layout

This feature works on the following page types:

  • Basic with Petition subpages (recommended)
  • Blog
  • FAQ

Base Tag

Add the following tag to the page:



Button Text

To determine the button text for all of the subpages, add the following tag to the parent page:

Button: text goes here

Otherwise, add the tag above to each individual subpage. Note: If the tag is on the parent page it will override all subpage button text.



There are two ways you can add an image to the block:

  1. You can upload a Featured Content Slider image
  2. You can upload an image directly to files
    • This is useful if you have a Featured Content Slider image that doesn't look good on the block
    • Have more than one image file under files? Copy the file name (not the full URL) and add the following tag to the page:

Image: filename.jpg



Was your petition/campaign successful? Add a banner to declare your history using the following tag:

Banner: text goes here


Width Formatting

Add any of the following tags to the page to change how your posts are displayed.

Additionally, you can append any of the following to the width tags:

to fix the width regardless of the size of the window, append:


to fix the width regardless of the page being viewed on a mobile device, append:


to convert items into a slider, append:


Theme Formatting

Add any of the following tags to individual items to change their theme. To apply the same theme to all items, you can add the following tag to the parent page:

item theme:

Add one of the following tags to the page to change the background:

Find your brand theme colours by logging in to your nation, on the front-end of your website click the gear icon, and then click Branding.


Headline Size

Add any of the following tags to control the size of the headline text.


Show Me The Magic

Tutorial Video